Equity and Diversity for the Arts

New Toolkit to Unlock Accessible Circus


We are proud to announce the launch of Circus for Everybody – A Trainer’s Toolkit!

This new guide, created in partnership with Extraordinary Bodies, Circomedia, Cirque Bijou, Graeae and The National Centre for Circus Arts aims to widen access to circus training and to break down the barriers to circus for D/deaf and disabled people. This toolkit is a key resource for sharing best practice from across the sector, supporting trainers and artists to work with all ages and abilities in a variety of contexts.

Using the toolkit will help both individuals and organisations to feel confident when delivering circus to a range of bodies in teaching, rehearsal or performance environments. Making circus possible for a range of bodies pushes the art form forward – a greater variety of perspectives helps us to see new things and create incredible work.

We very much hope that this toolkit will help to build a new generation of diverse performers, producing bold circus that all audiences can enjoy. The official launch will take place during the upcoming Circus Works conference on October 5th 2019.

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Diverse City

Diverse City is an award winning organisation committed to diversity and equality in the arts. We are an engine of artistic and social change.

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