Equity and Diversity for the Arts

Global Day of Parents: how we support parents and carers in our workforce


Today is Global Day of Parents. Over the past year, reduced childcare has made it deeply challenging to be a working parent. Supporting those who care for children and adults in our workforce is a top priority for Diverse City. At the end of 2020, we took our ongoing friendship and professional relationship with PiPA (Parents and Carers in Performing Arts) further by becoming a Charter Partner. Thanks to this, we benefit not only from their expertise but also that of their other Charter Partners.

A red and orange circle contains the PiPA logo. Alongside it is written Parents and Carers in Performing Arts

Diverse City has always strived to be a progressive workplace. We encourage flexible working, and operate on a ‘tasks not time’ basis with all our employees. We trust that everyone who works with us does it with passion and that they will get the job done. Holding people to hours that don’t allow for a healthy work/life balance just doesn’t make sense to us. Taking responsibility as a company to make sure work doesn’t disrupt employees’ life and other responsibilities is key to us. In fact, it allows us to all do our best work.

Working with PiPA was therefore a simple hop skip and a jump for us. We have high standards already, but PiPA inspire us and provoke us to keep looking around for improvements. Can we rethink our rehearsal scheduling? What about the always demanding Tech Week? Perhaps we should never schedule mandatory meetings for after 3pm to allow for school pick up? With PiPA’s support, we’ll always be aiming higher to ensure that everyone who works with us feels like they never have to make sacrifices that harm their home life.

About PiPA

PiPA campaigns to enable and empower parents, carers and employers to achieve sustainable change in attitudes and practices in order to attract, support and retain a more diverse and flexible workforce. We are always happy to discuss solutions that allow people to balance their caring responsibilities with their working lives, for example through job shares or flexible working arrangements as appropriate.

We’re excited to see what this partnership will help us achieve!

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Diverse City

Diverse City is an award winning organisation committed to diversity and equality in the arts. We are an engine of artistic and social change.

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