Equity and Diversity for the Arts

Diverse City’s Covid-19 Statement


Following Government advice, here is Diverse City’s Covid-19 statement. We have temporarily postponed projects and productions involving direct contact. Here is our plan of action:

Right now, we are:

  • Looking after our family of artists, support workers and production staff and meeting our financial responsibilities to them.
  • Monitoring the situation and we’ll adjust our approach in line with Government advice. 
  • Available to support you. If you need our help please ask. Whilst our teams are healthy and able to, we are happy and keen to be useful.

Moving forward, we will:

  • Plan to use this time to fundraise, plan and offer our support to others in our communities.
  • Think about how we can share our existing films, music and writing online.
  • Offer our support and solidarity to freelance artists and support workers.
  • Work out with you how to make sure that our future together is good.

Diverse City’s Covid-19 Statement Tools

Self-isolation can take a toll on our mental health. We want to share a few tools we think will help you remain positive during those strange times. Firstly, Trello’s guide on how to embrace remote work in a healthy way:


Secondly, a brilliant online database of creative isolation tools by MARCH Network. “With more people socially and physically distancing themselves, we want to share some home-based, creative ways to support mental health during these unique and uncertain times”. Click here to access the creative resources.

GIF of a person playing guitar and copy on top reading "Creative Isolation".

Tell us what you need, we’re here online. You can get in touch with us via Twitter DM and via email at [email protected]. We hope you are all able to take care of yourselves and your loved ones. Boost your immune system, keep a reflection diary and stay in touch with one another. Let’s all stay positive in those challenging times! Love, The Diverse City Team.

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Diverse City

Diverse City is an award winning organisation committed to diversity and equality in the arts. We are an engine of artistic and social change.

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