Equity and Diversity for the Arts

Vote for EBYA in the Aviva Community Fund


Extraordinary Bodies Young Artists (EBYA) have had a whirlwind summer, with a successful Crowdfunder campaign raising over £5,000. Thanks to all our incredible supporters, YOU made it happen! EBYA performed their new show Becoming at Lighthouse Poole as part of a summer residency and they are off to Bristol this week as part of International circus festival, Circus City.

After such a positive response, we’re onto our next opportunity and we are looking for your support again. We have been successful in the next stage of the Aviva Community Fund and have a chance to bring a whopping £25,000 to EBYA!

With this funding, in 2018 we would be able to offer more young people, whatever barriers they face, whoever they are, whatever their background:

  • Professional performing arts training
  • Supported work opportunities
  • A role within their community

The Aviva Community Fund exists to offer the chance for local projects to receive funding for an important cause in the community, so they ask the public to vote for their favourite projects.

Our EBYA Members share why they think you should support them:

In EBYA everyone is treated as an individual. Everyone takes part.
There is no discrimination. I no longer see peoples disability, I see the person.

EBYA has really boosted my self-confidence and unlocked my creativity. It has changed my life.

Diverse City is somewhere I can be myself and not try and be someone else just so I can fit in.

Click here to vote for Extraordinary Bodies Young Artists,
giving all young people an equal chance.

When you click through to the Aviva Community Fund website, there’s a short process to cast your votes. You are given 10 votes in total and you can give as many of them as you like to EBYA, (but we know you want to give us all 10!)

1 – Register with the Aviva Community Fund (they only ask for name, postcode and email address).
2 – Verify your account when your registration email comes through.
3 – Cast your votes! Search for ‘Diverse City’ in the project search box to find our project.

So, what are you waiting for?
Go vote for Extraordinary Bodies Young Artists!


Photography credits: ©Joe Clarke (1,2); ©Keziah Benbow (3); ©Dom Moore (4,5); Paul Blakemore (6,7); Page header image: ©Dom Moore

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Diverse City

Diverse City is an award winning organisation committed to diversity and equality in the arts. We are an engine of artistic and social change.

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