Equity and Diversity for the Arts

A sizzling summer for Extraordinary Bodies Young Artists!


There was simply no stopping Diverse City’s youth company Extraordinary Bodies Young Artists (EBYA) this summer: Raising a scorching £5,000 through their successful Crowdfunder, EBYA ran a blistering residency at Lighthouse Poole and premiered their hot new show, Becoming to an audience of nearly 150 people. Here’s what audience had to say:

Amazing talent with no limitations.
Took my breath away!
Most extraordinary theatre that I’ve seen for a very long time.
This company is an opportunity in a world where opportunities can seem sparse.

Lighthouse Poole’s recent blog sums up the joy at seeing a brilliant group of disabled and non disabled young people collaborating together. A huge thanks to our fabulous friends at Lighthouse Poole for their generosity and support of EBYA.

With the money raised, EBYA are able to continue their tour of Becoming at the following locations. Come along to see this extraordinary company take your breath away…

Roundabout Festival, Poole Park
Sunday 15th October 2017
Tickets –

Circus City, Bristol
Thursday 26th October 2017
Free tickets, booking required

Photography credits: ©Keziah Benbow (Diverse City Unexpected Leader)
Page header image: ©Dom Moore

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Diverse City is an award winning organisation committed to diversity and equality in the arts. We are an engine of artistic and social change.

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