Equity and Diversity for the Arts

Extraordinary Bodies… Our 2017 journey so far


Extraordinary Bodies travels the UK and Ireland in 2017 to explore the question, ‘What am I worth?’

Extraordinary Bodies is the UK’s leading professional integrated circus company and a partnership between Diverse City and Cirque Bijou. We create large scale, bold, radical and joyous performance. Our artistic practice increases awareness, capacity and leadership for integration of D/deaf, disabled and non-disabled artists, working equally together in the arts.

As part of our new project ‘What Am I Worth’, we have now held Creative Explorations in four locations across England and Ireland. We have met and worked with an incredible range of people, who have openly shared their stories and experiences, and have thrown themselves in physically and creatively to our workshops.

We are documenting our journey via an interactive map on the Extraordinary Bodies website, where participants can see their photos and answers to the question, ‘What Am I Worth?’.

“It has been a privilege to listen to people in Poole, Plymouth, Nottingham and Carlow, Ireland.
We have learnt much about how people value themselves, and how this is often at odds with how society values them.
There is another way we could all be living that recognises the inherent value in us all.
As Pippa a young woman with learning disabilities reminded us in Poole,
‘I am worth the star mountain that is the sky’.”
Claire Hodgson, Co-Artistic Director, Extraordinary Bodies

Next we are off to Glasgow Merchant City Festival from the 25th – 28th July, where we will be running inclusive writing workshops with our writer Hattie Naylor, as well as exploring circus and physical theatre skills with community members.

Follow our Creative Explorations and the journey of Extraordinary Bodies – connect with us on Facebook.

Extraordinary Bodies Logo
Photography credits: ©Dom Moore

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Diverse City

Diverse City is an award winning organisation committed to diversity and equality in the arts. We are an engine of artistic and social change.

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