Equality and diversity for the arts

Mid Life: The Skin We’re In on tour with WOFFF


We have partnered up with Women Over 50 Film Festival (WOFFF) this year, by contributing to their 2022 line up with our short film Mid Life: The Skin We’re In.

Our next screening will be taking place on Friday 21st October at Stratford Library, Newham, East London as part of their Moving Pictures series which aims to bring film to elderly people in care and community settings. This event will be fully signed by WOFFF’s partners Sign For All.

We’ve been working with WOFFF all through 2022. We kicked off our collaboration by joining in the Pride celebrations in June as WOFF screened a selection of Pride Shorts at Riverside Studios in London in June.

Women Over 50 Film Festival (WOFFF) champions the work of older women on screen and behind the camera with an annual short film festival and year-round events and film screenings. WOFFF comes to Riverside Studios with a special Pride programme – Old, Bold, and Queer. With tales of women over 50 falling in love, caring through COVID, swinging from the rafters and raging in menopause, you won’t want to miss these brilliant short films from older, bolder women on both sides of the camera.

Mid Life: The Skin We’re In, our joyous, uplifting, short film about loving yourself exactly as you are, was screened among a list of 8 other films made by, starring, and/or written by women over fifty. This particular selection also celebrated the work of queer women. It was a treat to be in West London, heading down to the riverside for a stroll in the sunshine, lunch by the water, and an array of female talent that knocked our socks off, and gave us plenty to think about.

In July, we joined them again as part of the BFI UK-wide cinema season Film Feels Curious. WOFFF is a member of Screen Shot, a group of independent film programmers, and theycreated a programme of films and events for this season called She’s Curious which ran 14 – 28 July in and around Brighton and Lewes.

Our film was selected because WOFFF thought “it speaks to a curiosity that the older women in your films are exploring”, which was terrific to hear! One of our stars, and co-creators of Mid Life, Karen Spicer, joined Nuala O’Sullivan, founder of WOFFF for a Q&A after our screening, which was a great success, and raised lots of interesting ideas. Thank you again Karen, for taking part.
Keep your eyes peeled for more screenings of the film coming up later in the year!

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Diverse City

Diverse City is an award winning organisation committed to diversity and equality in the arts. We are an engine of artistic and social change.

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